Thursday, December 09, 2004

Internet drip-feed the internet server went down at work today from 12.30 - 3.30pm and I didn't know what to do. Suddenly all I had to do was actual WORK! *gasp* I felt lost and meandered around the office without a purpose.

Apparently I've been told I blog too often. Since when were there rules about how often *I* am allowed to put *MY* thoughts out there? ME ME ME! It's all about me! Stop making it about you and your disdain for my frequent blogs. :)

I received two emails from friends I haven't heard from in a while today (after the internet came back up *hugs network technician*). That's always nice. And just yesterday I caught the bus with a friend's ex-girlfriend that I haven't seen in years. I think my karma is trying to tell me something. I don't know what that is yet. I'll let you know when I figure it out.

This guy at work uses the "bunny ears" (You know when you use your fingers to "quote" something? It's hard to describe not-in-person) thing incorrectly and it's really starting to piss me off. He'll be wanting to point out that the testing database supposedly isn't ready and he'll be all...

GAW (Guy-At-Work): The technical team are saying that the "testing" database isn't ready.
Me: *secret-thought-in-my-head* Idiot.

I'd say something to him but I don't want to add to his list of insecurities. I don't think we're close enough to piss on each other's insecurities just yet. My definition of a friend is someone who can piss on your insecurities and still be cool with you (Wassup Miko!).

Song of the day: "Wonderful Tonight" - Eric Clapton