Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Favourite Pics

...so it's been pretty quiet at work for me so I thought I'd peruse my photo albums from yesteryear and post a few of my favourites (Thanks Googz for the blogspiration!)

Me and the boys at Ariz's 21st birthday...ahhh to be young and have hair again... - 1996

Me, Steve and Rhands circa 1998. Check out Stevie's long hair!

Joy, Rhands and I in San Francisco..taken self-portrait style - 2002

My brother, sisters, brother-in-law and nephew - Christmas 2002

Drunk @ Smiths Lake 2003.

Matt and I before the B407 Housewarming (and around 20 pounds heavier!) 2003

Song Of The Day: "Slow Down" - Natalie Imbruglia