Gay Pride and other distractions I know it's been a while since I've posted. Would you believe me if I said I haven't had time? To sum it up, I've pretty much been partying my liver into oblivion. Sunday nights are blurring into Tuesday nights are blurring into Thursday nights - the only difference is what time I wake up in the morning.
Above: We also went to our first US Gay Pride last weekend which was a blast. Luckily we were invited by a friend we met at the wedding to watch the parade from another friend's apartment. This allowed us to escape the heat (and also have lots of food, lots of alcohol and most importantly - air conditioning). The amount of people out on the streets was crazy. After the parade we met up with friends in Chelsea and continued to pound our livers into a million little pieces.
Above: Riss and Steve representin' for my people. I'll let you guys comment on this...
Some of the other stuff we have comin up include:
- Atlantic City this weekend for some major poker tournament action. We've both been in withdrawals (and it doesn't help that texas hold 'em is on TV almost every day)
- My bday drinks @ Bamboo 52 a week from Saturday
- Headin to Miami mid-July
- Headin to San Francisco end of July
- Puerto Rico in August, Montreal and London in September, Paris in November. Woot!
Song of the Day: "Rehab" - Amy Winehouse. I just realised the irony of having that as my song of the day...